Professional applications interface part 4 professional applications for the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the. This part of iec 60958, together with iec 60958 1, iec 60958 41, and iec 60958 44, specifies an interface for serial digital transmission of two channels of periodically sampled and linearly represented digital audio data from one transmitter to one. Electronics and information technology section name. International standard iec 619375 second edition 200601 digital audio interface for nonlinear pcm encoded audio bistreams applying iec 60958 part 5. Iec 614392, and the compliance with the general rules iec 614391 is always implicit. Unless otherwise specified in the annexes, the following specification is applicable an audio sample word has a length of 20 bitssample. Aes3 also known as aesebu is a standard for the exchange of digital audio signals between professional audio devices.
Ebu tech 32502004 specification of the digital audio. This second edition of iec 60958 1 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1999 and. The new standard is now realized and was unanimously approved. This third edition of iec 60958 3 cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003 and constitutes a technical revision. An aes3 signal can carry two channels of pcm audio over several transmission media including balanced lines, unbalanced lines, and optical fiber.
International standard iec 60958 4 has been prepared by iec technical committee 100. Iec 609584 2003 digital audio interface lslec 609584. Iec 60529 enclosure buyers beware overall conclusions. This resulted from the desire of the various standards committees to have at least sufficient similarities between the two interfaces to allow the use of the same, or very similar, designs for interfacing ics. Under these circumstances, the bits in the time slots 4 to 7 are. Application note an5073 receiving spdif audio stream. Iec 60958 1, edition 2 has been prepared by technical area 4, digital system interfaces, of iec technical committee 100. Innovairflex lowflow nonrelay ductdetector housing. Together with iec 60958 1, iec 60958 42, and iec 60958 44, it specifies an interface for serial digital transmission of two channels of periodically sampled and linearly represented digital audio data from one transmitter to one receiver.
The requirements and related tests of this standard cover. Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment litd 7 designator of legally binding document. It reproduces the aes3 professional digital audio interconnect standard and the consumer version of the same, spdif the standard consists of several parts. Note when used in a consumer digital processing environment, the interface is primarily intended to carry stereophonic programmes, with a resolution of up to 20 bits per sample, an extension to 24. A common use for the spdif interface is to carry compressed digital audio for surround sound as defined by the standard iec 61937. The terms and definitions given in iec 60958 1 apply to this part of iec 60958. New international standard for induction loops with managing director conny andersson as convener of the work group tc29mt20, bo edin ab univox has been deeply involved in the working process to create a new enhanced induction loop standard iec 601184. This part of iec 60958 describes a serial, unidirectional, selfclocking interface for the interconnection of digital audio equipment for consumer and professional applications. This part of iec 60958, together with iec 60958 1, iec 60958 41, and iec 60958 44, specifies an interface for serial digital transmission of two channels of periodically sampled and linearly represented digital. This part together with iec 60958 1, iec 60958 41, and iec 60958 42 specify an interface for the serial digital transmission of two channels of periodically sampled and linearly represented digital audio data from one transmitter to one receiver. This part of iec 60958 specifies the consumer application of the interface for the interconnection of digital audio equipment defined in iec 60958 1. Iec shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Iec 60958 formerly iec 958 is the international electrotechnical commissions standard on. Time slots 4 to 7 may be used for other applications. Visit our website and learn more about iec 60958 42. This third edition of iec 60958 3 cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003 and constitutes a.
Another common use is to carry two channels of uncompressed digital. Ec 60958 3 1 iec 60958 4 1 iec 61937, iec 62105 and others 1 1 smpte 337m and others for that part of the channel status that is not implemented, the default is logical 0 11 is iec 60958 1. The compliance of an assembly is declared referring to the specific assembly standard e. Professional applications audio content iec 60958 41. Pdf mb88395 mb88389 400mbps 800mbps mb88395 800mbps mb8839x 400mbps iec60958 i2s serial bus protocol bt601 iec60958 bt.
Nonlinear pcm bitstreams according to the dts digital theater systems formats reference number iec 619375. It reproduces the aes3 professional digital audio interconnect standard and. Pdf mb88395 mb88389 400mbps 800mbps mb88395 800mbps mb8839x 400mbps iec60958 i2s serial bus protocol bt601 iec 60958 bt. Iec 60598 was created for luminaire testing and it is clear that iec 60529 is a less stringent standard, and. Pdf uda52hl sca74 75350301pp68 iec 60958 uda52ts iec 60958 spdif i2s receiver lqfp48 ssop28 uda52hl iec60958 spdif decoder. This second edition of iec 60958 4 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1999 and. Addressable monitor module for one zone of normallyopen drycontact initiating devices. All bsi british standards available online in electronic and print formats. This mode is used to connect the output of a dvd player or computer, via optical or coax, to a home theatre amplifying receiver that supports dolby digital or dts. Iec formerly iec is the international electrotechnical. Uda52ts 48 khz iec 60958 audio dac nxp semiconductors. Iec 60958 formerly iec 958 is the international electrotechnical commission s standard on digital audio interfaces. The uda52ts is a singlechip iec 60958 audio decoder with. Iec 60529 for enclosures 3 kenall manufacturing 10200 55 t street enosa i 531.
Iec 60958 4 2003 digital audio interface lslec 60958 4. International standard iec 619371 second edition 200701 digital audio interface for nonlinear pcm encoded audio bitstreams applying iec 60958 part 1. Spdif was developed at the same time as the main standard, aes3, used to interconnect professional audio equipment in the professional audio field. New standard for induction loops iec601184, 060901, v1. Nonlinear pcm bitstreams according to the atrac, atrac23 and atracx formats foreword 1 the international electrotechnical commission iec is a worldwide organization for. The sentence tta switchgear according to iec 604391 is now replaced by power switchgear and. Legally binding document step out from the old to the newjawaharlal nehru invent a new india using knowledge.
A standard established by the international electrotechnical commission. Together with iec 609581, iec 6095842, and iec 6095844, it specifies an interface for serial digital transmission of two channels of periodically sampled and linearly represented digital audio data from one transmitter to one receiver. Iec 61439 the rule is two parts for each type of assembly. The importance is that all of these documents cover the same serial interface, which is now correctly called the aes3 interface, instead of aesebu, and will be used for the rest of this ranenote. This part of iec 60958, together with iec 609581, iec 6095841, and iec 6095844, specifies an interface for serial digital transmission of two channels of periodically sampled and linearly represented digital. Standard iec 619376 second edition 200601 digital audio interface for nonlinear pcm encoded audio bitstreams applying iec 60958 part 6. The iec shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. It reproduces the aes3 professional digital audio interconnect standard and the consumer version of the same, spdif.
89 572 341 744 1001 1108 658 200 1557 504 378 659 145 393 250 1580 525 1512 916 394 556 1054 1202 1115 149 46 196 969 535 1392 499 604